Pre-flow time control: To guarantee the welding efficiency, gas flow before current; this switch is to adjust the time between gas and current.
Current time control: It' s for current adjustment, and change the volume of the current.
Slope-down control: Atter finishing welding, at the crater time, the current Is required to reduce gradually until it stops, and this switch is to adjust the reducing time.Re: If use " foot switch" , this switch is adjusted to "0" in counterclockwise direction.
Arc force control(only suit for TIG Pulse Mode and TIG 31Sacdc machine):If you adjust this switch at MMA, then it can change the welding characteristic of the little current.
Clear width control: In AC TIG welding, the current exchanges between positive and negative directions, when current is from tungsten to work piece, it's positive direction and good for removing the oxdization coating on the surface of the work piece, but the tungsten may be easily damaged because of overheat. While if current is from work piece to tungsten, it' s negative and tungsten heats little, convenient for welding; This switch is for adjusting the current time between positive and negative. When it' s at the middle, the proportion is 50%;at the maximum is 80%;at the minimum is 20% . If in clockwise direcion, the positve current time turns longer and negative One shorter; and vice versa.